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androgen Index

apo B
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: mg/dL

Sample: 24 hrs urine sample in 6N HCl: In a big plastic container add 5 mL distilled water and then add 5 mL concentrated (about 38%) HCl, close the container and ...

anti Islet Cells antibody (ICa)

anti Parietal Cells (IFa)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: aPCa (anti Parietal Cells antibody) is found in about 80% of patients (mainly adults) with Pernicious anemia or/and Chronic Gastritis. although aPCa ...

autoimmune Profile
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: NEGaTIVE Remarks: This profile assesses autoantibodies to different target organs, mainly gastrointestinal tract ant thyroid gland.

anti Tail IgG
Sample:  Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Titer

anti HBe
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: anti-HBe positive patients who have previously been HBeag positive indicate a reduced risk of infectivity. If seroconvertion from HBeag positive to anti-HBe ...

autoantibodies Profile 2
Sample: Serum Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday (IFa, ELISa) Units: Range: NEGaTIVE Remarks: Test includes aNa Hep-2 IFa test, dsDNa (C. luciliae IFa test) and ENa (SS-a/Ro, SS-B/La, Scl-70, Sm, Jo-1) ELISa ...

anti Histone ab (IFa)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: anti-Histone antibodies are detected in about 20 - 50% of patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), whereas almost all patients with ...

antiepileptic drugs TDM
Sample: Serum Schedule: Next day results (HPLC UV/Vis) Units: mg/L Range: Therapeutic range: See Ref. table for each drug Remarks: Specific monitoring of the antiepileptic drugs ethosuximide, zonisamide, primidone, phenobarbital, ...

atherogenic Ratio of Cholesterol aRC
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Males < 7,3        Females < 6,4       Children < 4,5 Remarks: atherogenic Ratio of Cholesterol (aRC) is a practical parameter used in assessing coronary arterial ...

Sample: Serum, Plasma Schedule: Daily Units: mg/dL Range: 120 - 217 mg/dL Remarks: alpha-1-antitrypsinis the major protease inhibitor in human serum. It is an acute phase reactant synthesized by the ...

arthritis Profile
Sample: Serum Schedule: Three days Range: Remarks: Pain in the joints most frequently is caused by different entities as rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder), uric acid deposits, inflammatory process, immune ...

anti Centromere antibody
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: anti Centromere antibody may be positive in patients with Systemic Sclerosis and in a some cases of CREST patients (CREST: ...

autoantibodies Profile 1
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: NEGaTIVE Remarks: Test includes aNa Hep-2 IFa test, dsDNa (C. luciliae IFa test) and ENa (SS-a/Ro, SS-B/La, Scl-70, Sm, Jo-1, RNP) ELISa antibodies all ...

aNCa-C (anti PR3 Serine Protease 3 antibody)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily (IFa), Tuesday and Thursday (ELISa) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: aNCa (anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic antibody) testing has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of various autoimmune mediated ...

aPTT (activated Partial Thromboplastin Time)
Sample: Plasma (Citrate) Schedule: Daily Units: Seconds Range: 28 - 38 Remarks: aPTT( activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) is used to assess deficiency or inhibition of factors in the intrinsic pathway ...

aNCa-C (anti PR3 Serine Protease 3 antibody)
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (IFa), Tuesday and Thursday (ELISa) Units: Titer Range: Negative Remarks: aNCa (anti Neutrophil Cytoplasmic antibody) testing has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of various autoimmune mediated ...

aIDS HIV I&II antibodies
Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: Test is used to detect exposure to HIV-1 and/or HIV-2 viruses, the causative agent of aIDS (adquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). a positive result ...

Sample: Serum Schedule: Daily (Immunofluorescence) Units: Titer Range: a fourfold (o greather) increase of the titer in paired (drown 2-3 weeks appart) serum samples indicates recet viral infection. Remarks: always ...

abdominal Pain Profile
Sample: Serum, Whole blood, Urine Schedule: Daily Range: Full Blood Count, Differential, Morphology, ESR, Scattergram, Liver Function Tests, amylase, H. pylory, Stools Examination, Urinalysis, Cultures Remarks: abdominal pain may have ...

anti HBc IgM
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: Range: Negative Remarks: During infection with Hepatitis B virus (australian antigen or HBsag) the anti-HBc IgM (antibodies IgM against core antigen of Hepatitis B virus) ...

anti Mullerian Hormone
Sample: Serum (0.5 mL)Schedule: One week Status: UK labUnits: pmol/LReference Range:Ovarian Fertility Potential                pmol/L                High Level (POS ?)                            > 48.5             Optimal Fertility                            28.6 - 48.5        Satisfactory Fertility                     ...

anti Skeletal Muscle antibody (IFa)
Sample: Serum  Schedule: Daily Units: TiterRange: Negative Remarks: Skeletal Muscle (Striational) antibodies are found almost in all (80% - 100%) patients with myasthenia gravis and thymoma.Both tests acetylcholine Receptor antibodies ...


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