Anti Thyroid Antibodies

Sample: Serum 

Schedule: Daily

Units: IU/mL

Range: Anti Thyroglobulin : < 20 IU/mL TPO: < 10 IU/mL

Remarks: Anti Thyroid antibodies test includes Anti Thyroglobulin and Anti Microsomal (also known as TPO, Anti Thyroid Peroxydase).Thyroid Microsomal antibody test is used in the differential diagnosis of hypothyroidism and thyroiditis. The test should be used together with anti thyroglobulin test. Antithyroglobulin antibody test is used in the investigation of autoimmune thyroidits(Hashimotos disease). About 50% of patients with chronic thyroiditis are positive for anti thyroglobulin antibodylobulin antibody. Most od patients with hypothyroidism also are positive for these antibodies.


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